We believe in the transformative power of community and art.
Our website resource page is dedicated to connecting you with a diverse range of art-based organizations in the Lompoc Valley, each offering unique opportunities for involvement. From local art galleries and theater groups to community mural projects and collaborative workshops, there is a place for everyone to nurture their creativity, forge meaningful connections, and contribute to the collective tapestry of our community. Together, let's harness the power of art, embrace the strength of our unity, and shape a future brimming with possibility.
Lompoc Visual Art Organizations
Lompoc Valley Arts Council (LVAC)
This non-profit serves the Lompoc arts community as a representative body.
Don Adams – 805-588-8582 - adams3940@gmail.com
Quarterly Meetings at Stone Pine Hall - open to the public
Lompoc Photographer’s Guild
Lompoc Mural Society
Community murals that bridge barriers between ethnic and cultural groups generating pride in community and preserving the historical record.
P.O. Box 2813, Lompoc, CA 93438
Lompoc Valley Arts Association
Provide artists with the opportunity to exhibit, collaborate and share their art with the community.
119 E Cypress Ave
Phone: (805) 737-1129
Lompoc Valley Arts Association &
Cypress Gallery
Provide artists with the opportunity to exhibit, collaborate and share their art with the community.
119 E Cypress Ave, Lompoc
Phone: (805) 737-1129
Grossman Gallery
Exhibition venue for central coast artists and community.
Lompoc Library
501 E North Ave, Lompoc
Art Advisory Committee
(805) 875-8775
Lompoc Valley Sculptors Guild
To bring together sculptors of the Lompoc Valley; to create public sculpture installations.
Jon Seidenberg
Lompoc Chalks
Sidewalk chalk festival, Fundraiser for Lompoc Theatre Project. Hosted the Lompoc Airport in October.
Lompoc Performing Arts Organizations - Music
Lompoc Concert Association
Brings national and international performers to Lompoc through annual series of affordable concerts and provides educational outreach.
Concerts at First United Methodist Church, 925 No F St Lompoc
Molly Gerald - mollyfgerald@gmail.com, 805-588-5971
Lompoc Music Association
Brings local and tri-country professionally-trained classical musicians to Lompoc.
Concerts at Valley of the Flowers UCC 3346 Constellation Rd, Lompoc
Lola Day - lompocmusicassociation@gmai.com
Certain Sparks and Certain Sparks Music Foundation
Unique music school, music store, recording studio; multi-instrument lessons; youth music programs; open mic; hosts concert events. Scholarships through Certain Sparks Music Foundation.
107 S H St, Lompoc,
Randall Sena
805-588-9479 | info@CertainSparks.com
Lompoc Academy of Music/ School of Music
Instruments and voice private instruction; certified instructors; certification programs, National Piano Guild auditions; onsite computer music lab.
Mosby Building, 601 E Ocean Av Suite 9 Lompoc
Karen Foreman, Director, Phone: (805) 736-9933, Email: 88keysteacher@gmail.com
Lompoc Master Chorale (LVMC)
To encourage continuance of music in our community; inspire audiences of all ages by performing the finest choral music. Two concerts per year. Children’s Chorale
Rehearsal and performance at First United Methodist Church, 925 No F St Lompoc
Kathleen Hacker, director, Kathleenhacker@gmail.com
Lompoc Children’s Chorale
Promoting voice and performance skills of chorale music for children. Sponsored by the LVMC
Rehearsal and performance at First United Methodist Church, 925 No F St Lompoc
Kathleen Hacker, director, Kathleenhacker@gmail.com
Stages – Rehearsal Studio
Rehearsal Space, Event Space, Music Videos, Recording Sessions, Photo Shoots, live music and comedy shows
118 No I St Lompoc
Casey, (805)591-4839, casey@stageslompoc.com stageslompoc@gmail.com
Central Coast Beat Social
Gathering of producers, rappers, singers, artists, Djs, dancers and friends to network and showcase their art.
Gents In a Chord
Barbershop choir
Tuesdays 7:00 pm at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church 2800 Harris Grade Rd Lompoc
Sweet Adelines International
Choral group; a cappella, four-part harmony, barbershop style. Classic ballads, contemporary songs, popular show tunes and mainstream music. Singing the powerfully balanced sounds of barbershop harmony provides a rich, rewarding experience.
Thursdays, 6:45 pm at Lutheran Church of Our Savior 4725 So Bradley Rd Santa Maria
(805) 736-7572

Lompoc Performing Arts Organizations - Theatre
Lompoc Civic Theatre
To Keep theatre alive and well in Lompoc; annual schedule of readings and performance; community outreach.
Larry McLellan
P.O. Box 69
Lompoc 93438
Lompoc Theatre Project
This organization works to restore and maintain the historic Lompoc Theatre as a multi-use cultural venue and education facility for the arts.
740 N H St. #238
(805) 380-6777
Lompoc High Drama
Sarah Barthel – 805-406-0047 - sarahambarthel@gmail.com
Cabrillo High Drama
Jennifer Peterson – peterson.jennifer@lusd.org
Lompoc Historical Society
Karen Paske – kpaaske@verizon.net or lompochistory@gmail.com
Lompoc Performing Arts Organizations - Dance
Classical School of Ballet
Historic local ballet school est. in 1967; studio offers the finest training and performance opportunities in all levels of Classical Ballet, Jazz and Tap.
1313 North H St Suite A, Lompoc
Angela Mill, director, 805-736-4646
Garcia Dance Studio
Positive, professional Latin dance instruction and performance opportunities; Flamenco, Salsa, Folkloricao,Ballet, HipHop, Lyrical, Cardio & Toning, Musical & Disney.
1006 North H St Lompoc
Laura Garcia, director (805) 717-9273
​Boscutti Ballet Theater
[BBT Dance and Performing Arts]
Dance and theater education; provides a venue for development of artistic expression, creativity, and talent in the Lompoc Valley.
1100 W Ocean Ave Lompoc
Annie Boscutti, (805) 736-5620
Ua Noe Dance
Lompoc Museum
La Purisima Mission
Artesia School Museum
Open once a month for tours, this fully restored and furnished one-room schoolhouse (built in 1876) is a Lompoc treasure. Open the fourth Saturday of the month, 2 to 4 pm.
115 West Chestnut Ave., Lompoc, CA 93436
(805) 735-9910
Fabing-McKay-Spanne House
Built in 1875, the Fabing-McKay-Spanne House is named for the three families who had lived in it. Operated by the Lompoc Valley Historical Society, this historic Victorian “farmhouse” has been fully renovated and furnished. Open Mondays and Thursdays from 9 am to 11 am except major holidays. Admission is free. Also open on the fourth Saturday of the month from 10 am to 1 pm.
​207 N L St, Lompoc, CA 93436
(805) 735-4626
Space&Missile Heritage Center
Cultural Organizations
Alpha Literary and Improvement Club
Astronomy Club
Encourage amateur astronomers;star parties.
Manzanita Charter School, 991 Mountain View Blvd, VAFB, CA
​Lompoc Valley Bee Keepers Association
Flying Goat Cellars, 1520 E Chestnut, Unit A Lompoc
Kate G - (805) 588-0986
California Scribblers Writing Group
(805) 733-2300
Friends of Lompoc Library
Lompoc Film Club
LAUNCHpad 1010 North H St Lompoc
​(805) 737-3730
Quilters, Etc.
Dianna Ludden
805) 736-6791
Commercial Venues
KTNK Radio
Locally produced radio station, archival music, local concerts
Mike Day
+1 (818) 421-3245
Flying Goat Cellars
Wine tasting with art gallery, artist receptions
Rotating 2 – 3 month art exhibits. Thurs – Monday, 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
1520 E Chestnut Ave, Unit A Lompoc
​The Bookstore
Reader’s group, local authors and artist-created merchandise.
1137 North H Street Lompoc
Leslie Server
Longoria Winery
Wine tasting with art gallery, artist receptions
Southside Coffee Co
Coffee shop with rotating artist displays and local artist merchandise
Haley Dyer
105 S H St, Lompoc, CA, United States, California
(805) 737-3730
Eye on I
Restaurant, music venue, art displays
131 N I St. Lompoc
Instagram: @eye_on_i_84
The Garden Shoppe
The Garden Shoppe
Gift Store, Local Merchandise
122 West Ocean Ave, Lompoc, CA, United States, California
Flower Valley Country Store
Gift Store, Local Merchandise
111 1/2 South H Street, Lompoc, CA, United States, California
(805) 705-1751
Lazy F & Co
Gift Store, Local Merchandise
111 South H St., Lompoc, CA, United States, California
Wicked Shamrock
Pub, music venue, live comedy, Shamrock Book Club, Art Nite
143 No H St Lompoc
(805) 430-8924
The Wine Factory
Artisanal wines; music venue; Sip Music Club
Brandon Bridge
321 N D St, Lompoc, CA 93436
Cold Coast Brewing Co.
Pub, Open-mic Saturdays, Live Music Offerings
118 W Ocean Ave, Lompoc, CA 93436
PCH Street Lounge
Wyld Roots
Sacred Wellness Studio
Community Partners
Lompoc Valley Arts Council
Non-profit to serve the Lompoc arts community as a representative body.
Stone Pine Hall, 210 South H St
Don Adams, adams3940@gmail.com, lompoc.valley.arts.council@gmail.com
Santa Barbara County Office of Arts & Culture (branch of Santa Barbara Arts Commission)
Provides grants, programs & assistance for all areas of the arts
Sarah York Rubin (805) 568-3992 sarah@sbac.ca.gov
Explore Lompoc
Gilda Cordoba
Lompoc Valley Chamber of Commerce
To champion and advocate for local business; acts as a catalyst for economic prosperity.
111 South I St
Lompoc Valley Community Health Organization
Sponsor of health-related local art projects
Emily Casaerez
Charlotte’s Web Children’s Mobile Library
Route 1 Farmers Market
The mission of the Market is to increase access to local and sustainably grown food with a special focus placed on easing access to fresh and healthy local foods and bridging barriers that hinder our low-income community from shopping at farmers markets.
Mobile Farmer's Market, Farmer's Market at 3745 Constellation Rd,, Vandenberg Village, CA every Sunday